The Constitution, the holy book of Indian law, in its current form (2015), consists of:

e.g 2 :New article inserted for 'Fundamental duties' under the 42nd constitutional amendment act 1976 is added as Article 51A. Article 51 is the last article of Directive Principles of State Policy. Hence although total articles are 448, one will find only 395 articles in constitution.
- Preamble: It is an 'introduction' or a 'preface' to Indian Constitution. The Preamble simply reveals the source, nature, objectives and the date of adoption of the constitution.
- Parts:
- Indian constitution contains list of articles with clauses and sub-clauses under them. In the below picture '6.' represents Article 6 and Article 6(b) represents a clause under article 6. And Article 6(b)(i) represents a sub-clause under (b) clause of Article 6.

- These articles are grouped together as parts. Refer below table.
- Original Indian Constitution had 22 parts and 395 articles. Later 4 parts were added to it as amendments ( 4A - Fundamental Duties, 9A – Muncipalities, 9B – co-operative societies and 14A tribunals). Now there are 25 parts consisting of 448 articles. Articles added by constitutional amendments are not added as a new article but are listed as articles under existing related articles. So at any time, number of articles numerically will be 395.
e.g 2 :New article inserted for 'Fundamental duties' under the 42nd constitutional amendment act 1976 is added as Article 51A. Article 51 is the last article of Directive Principles of State Policy. Hence although total articles are 448, one will find only 395 articles in constitution.
- Schedules: These are long arduous lists which categorize and tabulate the bureaucratic activity and policy of government. These are basically lists and tables giving out information. Eg: Schedule I deals with the names of states and their territorial jurisdiction. These are kept separate and not a part of original text of constitution due to their bulkiness of over 100 pages even with small microscopic font(that we usually see for terms and conditions on official documents). But these schedules are very much part of the constitution. Indian Constitution originally had 8 schedules. Four more schedules were added by different amendments, now making a total tally of 12.
PS: Earlier many acts were included in the ninth schedule to escape from the Judicial review, but after Kesavananda Bharati case, Court has taken steps to curtail that practice too.
Watch this for detailed info on Schedules.
- Appendices
- Appendix I—The Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 1954.
- Appendix II— Re-statement, with reference to the present text of the Constitution, of the exceptions and modifications subject to which the Constitution applies to the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
- Appendix III—Extracts from the Constitution (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act, 1978.
- Appendix IV—The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002.
- Appendix V— The Constitution (Eighty-eighth Amendment) Act, 2003.