Now after the Indus Valley Civilization- Introduction, we have basic knowledge of why people started settling on the banks of the River Indus. We have also seen from where the resources were attained to build what is called the Third Largest Civilization of the World. Now let's look in to the things we know as a matter of fact about Indus Valley Civilization(IVC) and further ahead. Some key features of Indus Valley Civilization(IVC) include:
- IVC or ruins of some of the cities of IVC were found to be existing, for the first time in late 1800s when the British were planning to build a railway line connecting Lahore to Karachi. They found well-burnt densely packed bricks and structures made out of those bricks. Some of the bricks were even used as ballast for about 93 miles of the railroad track.
- In 1861, Archaeological Survey of India(ASI) was formed after a statute was passed as law by Lord Canning, the then Governor General of India. Alexander Cunningham was the first Director-General of ASI.
- Under ASI, several excavations were made and still being made. Important findings about population and borders of IVC include:
- Indus Valley Civilization was spread over 1.25 Million Sq. Kms.
- It had a peak population of up to 5 Million which means that the peak population density was 4. India currently has a population density of 382.
- It has its Northern limits in Afghanistan, Eastern limits in Uttar Pradesh, Souther limits in Gujarat - Maharashtra and Western limits in Baluchistan.
- In total about 1,052 cities have been found, most of them excavated. Of these important ones include, Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, Ganeriwala, Chanhudaro found in modern day Pakistan. Dholavira, Banawali, Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi, Rupar and Lothal in Modern day India.
- The cities are found to be stunningly well planned and well-built. The grid structure they followed to build the cities is used even today in planned cities of the world. Popular cities like Chandigarh and Florida also follow the same grid structure of City planning. The underground drainage system is a special feature of IVC. The houses/buildings are well arranged to ensure the smooth flow of traffic. They had private as well as public baths. Single, two and three storied buildings are also found in the cities. They are generally characterized as having differentiated living quarters, flat-roofed brick houses, and fortified administrative or religious centers.

- Despite being one of the largest civilizations, the IVC is found to be under single rule. This conclusion comes from the facts that:
- Similar artifacts are found in many cities/sites in the IVC.
- The size, ratio composition of the well burnt bricks are same everywhere in the IVC regions.
- Standard measuring weights which are in the ratio 5:2:1 were used to measure quantity of things in IVC. These sets of standard measuring weights were found in different cities across IVC indicating the uniformity of standard measurement devices across the IVC.
- The evidence of similar well planned settlements that too near the resource rich areas.
- There is no evidence of any single ruler ruling the state. However many rulers ruled the local cities like Mohenjo-daro had a ruler, kalibangan had another ruler and so forth. Harappan society is found to have no ruler and everybody enjoyed equal status.
- Use of metals especially Copper, Bronze and Tin was high resulting in the period taking the name- Bronze Age. People of IVC are found to have very good skill with metals particularly in building docks. They even had touchstones which are used to check the quality of Gold.
- IVC is found to have good arts and crafts culture as seen from their bronze images, terra-cotta art and the steatite figures. Distinctive seals were used, among other applications, perhaps for identification of property and shipment of goods.
- They are supposedly the first civilization to use the WHEEL for transport. Also there were evidences of many toys of wheeled-carts made for kids all over IVC.

- There were strong evidences which support the trade relations between two big civilizations of the world. The IVC and the Mesopotamian Civilization.
- They used the so-called 'Indus' script which is a collection of symbols. Unfortunately the script stands undeciphered till date leaving us ignorant about most of the civilization.
- They are found to be believing in Gods. Predominantly they worshipped Mother Earth. However symbolic representations of Phallus and Vulva are found in many places.
Read further on Indus Valley Civilization - Important cities.
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